New Website Launch
We are entering a new and exciting time at McKenzie Valve with the launch of our new logo which is now followed up by the launch of our new web site. The new and improved McKenzie Valve & Machining, LLC web page is live and ready for viewing. Our new web page has been a long time coming and and it is finally complete with a lot of new and improved features.
All new mobile site for easier viewing for customers who need to access our site from their phone or tablet.
AAR Approvals are updated and current and can be found on the home page or on each individual product page.
Technical product information including but not limited to repair instructions, replacement parts, and product options.
New products-Excess Flow Check Valves, Sampling Valve, Therowell Fittings, etc. Entire product catalog has been updated for all of our product offerings.
Repair information all located in one place.
Competitor Valve Cross Reference. Type our competitors’ part numbers into our search box and the equivalent MVM valve will pop up for your review.
Updated contact list and contact us form for a quick contact method or to make site suggestions.
News Section-Watch this for MVM news, new products, and other announcements.